Can You Bring Liquor on a Plane???
Posted on January 09 2019
Though it might not feel like it today, Spring Break is definitely on its way. As the temperatures start to rise, and flights begin to be booked, one topic on almost every spring breaker’s mind is alcohol. How do I pack it?, and if I can pack it how do I travel with it? How do I procure it during my layover? Can I travel with my koozies and tumblers?
The last question is an easy one. Yes, you can travel with your cool drinking gear, but we’d pack it in your checked bags versus your carry on(except for our koozie, keep that in your back pocket.) As far as the other alcohol related queries, let’s break it down. According to the TSA website, you can travel with liquor several ways on your flight.
Bringing Liquor on the Plane
International Travel Survival Kit - Passport, iPad, Bag of Whiskey
If you want to carry liquor on board the flight, in your carry on bag, you may--as long as you are of the legal drinking age. There is no limit on the number of bottles you can bring but there are restrictions. Any liquid brough on the flight cannot be more than 3.4 oz and it must be sealed. Furthermore, it must also fit in a quart-sized, clear plastic ziploc bag, and the ziploc bag must not be over-packed, meaning the bag will seal without busting at the seams. Good news though, the mini-bottles of liquor are only 1.7 oz. I guess there is a reason they are also called Airplane Liquor Bottles.
Once you are through security, you may purchase and bring on board any alcohol you wish. Just keep in mind those prices are usually a lot higher than just stopping at the liquor store(exception on duty free shops for international flights) once you land.
What about Duty-Free Alcohol?
Perhaps your get away is going international and taking you to the sandy beaches of the Carribean. In that case you can purchase liquor at the Duty-Free store before your flight. Typcially you can find some great prices in here because they are not subject to the heafty taxes on alcohol. However to buy anything in these shops you have to show your international ticket and then they will packages your bottles in secured clear plastic bags and give them to you once you board the plane. On the return trip stopping at the duty shop for a bottle of local rum can be a great way to remeber your Carribean getway(besides the sunburn.) Just keep in mind you are limited to bringing back 2 liters of booze into the US and if you have any connecting flights you will have to take it with you through security which can be a pain.
How about Liquids in Checked Baggage?
The TSA get their Party on with Improperly packed Liquor - @TSA Instagram
If you want to carry liquor via your checked suitcases, that's fine too. It’s best to keep your alcohol in its original packaging and sealed. Alcohol with more than 140 proof cannot be packed in your luggage(or carried on.) There’s also a restriction on how much can be packed---no more than five liters total.
Flying Private
Lucky enough to be flying private? Have no worries. As long as you are 21 or older, bring your sealed bottles to the runway and pass them off to your flight staff. The FAA states that alcohol on board must be served by the certificate holder operating the aircraft. Every private flight company has different rules, so just double check their alcohol policy. A word of advice though, most private jet companies don’t allow red wine, as it can cause severe damage to the jet’s interior.
Southern Drinking Club Rule #1 -
Use Common Sense

Remember that guy that got his ass beat by the airlines???
Speaking of policies, remember whether you are flying commercial or private, it’s best to not sneak alcohol onto a plane that hasn’t been “approved”. Our SDC Flasks are really awesome, and we’d hate to see them confiscated. It’s also not smart to get entirely plastered before or during the flight. That tends to not end well, either.
If you are traveling this spring break, by car or by plane, just remember to imbibe responsibly and make smart decisions. Have a great trip!